NCYD helps kids connect and build community.
Community Outreach
The NCYD volunteered more than 150 hours in 2022 to giving back to communities locally and regionally. We regularly partner with groups likeFreeBikes4Kids to ensure we’re able to help get more kids on bikes.
“I am on the youth board so that I can help give back to the team and the community.”
Trail Stewardship
Equity in Biking
Coaching and Development
NYCD is a proud supporter of school-based and after school programs, and the organizations that support these programs. We work with schools like the Bancroft School in Minneapolis to provide kids the opportunity to learn in a safe, supported and fun environment while facilitating exposure to cycling at a critical development stage.
“I am passionate about getting more kids on bikes and growing this amazing sport to its full potential.”
We use our expertise to help with trailwork at our favorite local and national trails, including The Loppet Foundation, Duluth DEVO Mountain Bike Program and Bike School Bentonville.
“I hope to help keep the mountain bike trails maintained, so others can have a fun and safe bike ride!”
The Bike Instructor Certification Program (BICP) supports NCYD by providing evidence based best practice models for instruction that gives clear, concise direction language without overwhelming or causing confusion. BICP is our go-to certification and continuing education provider and we use the curriculum in all our adult and youth-led coaching and development programs.
Bike Maintenance
Learning bike maintenance skills during the off-season is a great way to stay connected, efficiently grow as a cyclist, and save money. We feature “Get Some” sessions where bike mechanics on our team share their skills with the rest of us.